Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports Massage, Stretching, Myofascial Release/Trigger Point Therapy, Hot Stones and Aromatherapy Massage for Relaxation
He is a LMT, graduated from NMTI with a concentration in Neuromuscular Therapy.
Due to more than 6 years of experience working with athletes, and clients with chronic pain, his adept knowledge of the body and health has been the difference in his practice, because his goal is to achieve results.
For many years he has upheld the standards of his profession and delivered excellent services. It’s hard to look past him when you are in need of some real therapy or even relaxation.
It is often said that healing takes time. Sometimes it’s true however, other times there can be a quick fix.
Victor is a believer in immediate results, and that everyone should feel and see progress after every massage.
Making a difference is important to him. He listens the client’s body, feels their energy and manipulates muscles to release tension, pain and stress.
Victor is good at what he does. Certainly, he remains passionate and wants to continue serving the public at Mustard Seed Massage.

1108 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20005